India arthvyavastha

India arthvyavastha

How is the economy of India.  Mixed Economy What is a mixed economy?  Government and private sectors

 India counts from the point of view of co-existence economic development.  Developing

 As a nation

 Which sector of the Indian economy contributes the most to the gross national product.  Tertiary sector

 Closed economy is that economy.  Due to which neither export nor import

 Approximately how much of India's total manpower is engaged in agriculture.


 Collects and publishes unemployment data in India.  NSSO

 Unemployment means unemployment.  Overwork

 Where is the National Institute of Rural Development located.  Hyderabad is the meaning of globalization.  Domestic economy of global economic.

India Economy

In which year NABARD was established.  In 1982

 Who is authorized to issue coins in India.  Finance Ministry

 Currency and credit are controlled in India.  126 |  by

 Who makes monetary policy in India.  Reserve Bank of India

 Are known as credit cards.  plastic money

 The overdraft account is owned by the customer bank.  Bender

 Which bank is limited to agriculture and rural needs.  NABARD

 Currently the only tungsten breach center in India.  To riot

 India has a monopoly in the production of which mineral in the world.  Asbestos

 Which state holds the first place in the production of mineral substances.  Jharkhand

 It is the country with the highest consumption of gold in the world.  India

 What is India's place in the world in the production of wind energy.  Fifth

 Is the world's largest mineral oil producing country.  Saudi Arab

 The first mineral oil well is dug in India.  In digboi

 Which country has the highest consumption of mineral oil in the world.  United States


 * »India fulfills approximately what percentage of its mineral oil requirement from rectangle.  70%

 * Who is related to Krishna revolution?  Mineral oil production

 »When was India's first industrial policy announced.  6 April 1948

 * »India's oldest huge industry.  Cotton textile industry

 0 Who is famous for Nepanagar in Madhya Pradesh.  Newsprint

 * »With whose help the Bhilai Steel Plant has been set up.  Russia

 * What percentage of India's total land is capable of agriculture.  52.7%

 * »What percentage of India's agricultural land is irrigated.  A third

 * Irrigation facility is available in approximately what percentage of agriculture area


 * »Who is the father of Green Revolution in India.  MS Swaminathan

 * Green revolution started in India.  67 from 1966

 * »Is considered the father of the White Revolution in India.  Dr. B.  Kurien

 * What is the place of India in fisheries production.  Second

 0 India ranks in coffee production in the world.  The sixth

Is the major food crop of India.  Rice is an extension of forests on what percentage of the land of India.  21.34% are the father of green revolution in the world.  Norman.  In which year has the E.Borlog Kisan Credit Card Scheme been launched.  The 1998 Green Revolution is mainly related to which crop.  Wheat is involved in mixed agriculture.  Growing various types of crops and also doing livestock: When was the railway system established in India.  The name of the vehicle in the 1853 Shatabdi Express addresses whose centenary.  Jawaharlal Nehru is the world's longest railway platform.  The Samjhauta Express runs between India and Pakistan in Gorakhpur.  There is a plan to run a bullet train from Attari to Lahore 'Ministry of Railways of India.  Between Mumbai and Ahmedabad »Which country has the highest number of people using mobile phones.  China »Zero-based budgeting technique is considered the gift of which country.  United States »" Which deficit contributes most to the total deficit of the Government of India budget. Fiscal deficit "The first five-year plan development is based on which model.  Herod Domer Model 0 In the Second Five-Year Plan, who was given priority.  Heavy Industries 0 NITI Aayog has been constituted in which year.  0 Who was appointed the first Chief Executive Officer of NITI Aayog in 201 5.  Sindhu. Mr. Khullar * is the President of the National Development Council.  Prime Minister * Who was the Chairman of the First Finance Commission.  KC Niyogi is the main agency for settlement of financial disputes between the Center and the State.  With whom is the Finance Commission Sundar Rajan Committee related?  A book called Petroleum India is for Sale is written by it.  Chitra Subramanian